Elder Mae Louise Campbell is from the Ojibwa-Saulteaux Metis Nation. She has birthed five children and is a Grandmother to many. She grew up in the small Metis northern community of Kississing Lake-Cold Lake, Manitoba. Mae Louise’s commitment to the healing of Aboriginal Women has led her to create Grandmother Moon Lodge; A Healing Lodge dedicated to our growth through our Ancient Knowledge and Ceremonies. She is the Elder in Residence at Red River College and University of Manitoba, Faculty of Social Work (Selkirk campus). She sits on Mayor Bowman’s Indigenous Advisory Circle. She is a Wisdom Keeper on the Grandmother Council of Manitoba known as Kookum Kaa Na Da Maa Waad Abinoojiiak Council: Grandmothers Protecting our Children. Additionally, she has sat on the First Nations Advisory Committee Board to Canada’s Prenatal Nutritional Program of Manitoba as well as works as Elder advisor for the Canadian Women’s Foundation in matters concerning the sexual exploitation and human trafficking of our women and girls and most recently was a Recipient of 2016 Inspire National Aboriginal Achievement award under the Spiritual -Cultural category. Currently she is Elder and co-founder on a project “Clan Mothers Healing Village and Knowledge Centre” a contemporary sustainable innovative holistic model of healing, education and training that will support Indigenous women and girls who have been victims of sexual exploitation and sex trafficking.
Elder Mae Louise Campbell
Clan Mothers Healing Village and Knowledge Centre
Elder and Co-Founder