
Ron Missyabit

First Nations in Treaty 2 Territory
Circle Keeper-Care and Protection of The Natural World

I am very proud and honored by the fact that I was born on the land in Treaty 2 Territory, long story short, my mom was chopping wood and I guess I must have thought it was time to make my entrance into the world. I was born on the kitchen floor in the modest dwelling my parents called home. After I was cleaned up and wrapped my mom went outside to finish her chores. I’ve counted on the land for healing, for food and for shelter my entire life and still do to this day. Our teachings have instructed us, you only have one mother and to us the earth is our mother, so be kind to her, help her when she needs it and she will reciprocate your love.

I have spent the vast majority of my life advocating for Indigenous inclusion whether it be in sports, government or in my personal life. I worked for 18 years at the Manitoba Indian(now called Indigenous) Cultural Education Centre as a Community School Liaison and transitioned over to the province of Manitoba as the Director for the Aboriginal Relations Branch of Manitoba Conservation for 19 years. I am now entering two years as the Circle Keeper for the Care and Protection of the Natural World for the FNT2T. To say I am back where I belong would be a huge understatement.

My hobbies include, old cars, golf, and pursuing elk and moose ( where I can) with my long bow and cedar arrows. My passions are my children and my grandchildren and hope I can leave them with some semblance of what was left for me by those that came before me.