
Stacey Gellatly

Ministry of Economic Development and Trade
Director of Economic Development Programs

Workshop lead: Alberta Economic Development and Trade: Resources for Corporations and Communities.

Stacey Gellatly is the Director of Economic Development Programs at the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade. She oversees three new funding programs announced through the Alberta Jobs Plan in 2016: the Alberta Investor Tax Credit (AITC), the Capital Investment Tax Credit (CITC), and the Community and Regional Economic Support Program (CARES). These programs encourage investors to provide entrepreneurs with greater access to the capital they need to innovate and expand, encourage timely large-scale capital investments, and assist regions and communities in attracting investment, supporting industries that provide diversification, and improving local business environments. Together they aim to encourage investment, support diversification, and create  jobs.Workshop lead: Alberta Economic Development and Trade: Resources for Corporations and Communities.