2025 Call for Board Nominations

The Canadian CED Network’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) is being held online on June 12th, 2025 at 1pm Eastern Time (10am Pacific, 11am Mountain, 12pm Central, 2pm Atlantic, 2:30pm Newfoundland).

Nominations are currently being sought for four positions on CCEDNet’s Board of Directors. Anyone with energy and a vision for the CED movement in Canada is encouraged to submit a candidacy. The deadline to submit nominations is April 23, 2025 at 11:59pm Pacific Time.

Board Vacancies (4)

CCEDNet’s Board of Directors is made up of twelve (12) representatives of CCEDNet’s membership who serve three (3) year rotating terms and are elected at large by the general membership.  

Elections are conducted online and the results are announced at the AGM. Member Associates are not eligible to sit on the Board. 

This year we are seeking nominations for four (4) Directors for three-year terms.  

Term Ending: 2025 AGMTerm Ending: 2026 AGM Term Ending: 2027 AGM 
VacantVacantpk mutch
Barb DaviesMichelle Colussi
Vice President
Ryan Oneil Knight
Yvon PoirierRyan WatmoughMichael Morris
Derek BasseyGail Henderson
Tori Williamson

Board members whose terms are expiring are eligible to be re-elected. However, they must be elected by the members through CCEDNet’s official election process. 

Appointments to fill vacant seats that result from a Director terminating their mandate before its end date is the exclusive responsibility of the Board.

Candidates must be nominated by two (2) other CCEDNet members, preferably from their region. You can consult the list of members on CCEDNet’s website.  If you don’t know any other members well enough to ask them to nominate you, contact CCEDNet at . We will inform the Nominations Committee of your situation so they can help you find someone.

Members interested in putting forward their name to be nominated for CCEDNet’s Board are asked to complete the form below by April 23 to submit their candidacy, including a completed Nomination Support form (see below) showing the names of the two (2) other CCEDNet members who are nominating them. Candidates are required to provide a short biography (including a photo) for translation and to be included in election materials. 

If you wish to nominate another CCEDNet member for a position, please ensure that the member nominated is willing to let their name stand and has given their approval to be nominated before communicating with us. Once again, the deadline for nominations is April 23, 2025.  

Please note: information regarding online voting will be forwarded by email to all members in good standing.  If you are unsure about your membership status, please log in to your CCEDNet account or contact us at  or 1-877-202-2268.

Nomination Support Form

Two members in good standing must support the nomination.  Members of CCEDNet’s Nominations Committee are not eligible to support a nomination.  A Nomination Support form must be submitted with the Nomination Form.  

Notice of Nomination Acceptance or Rejection

Within 48 hours (on weekdays, excluding holidays), the Candidate will receive by e-mail a notification from the Elections Officer or his/her designate approving or rejecting the nomination with the reason(s) explained. In the case of a rejected nomination, the Candidate can re-submit his/her candidacy, providing it meets the deadline announced.

CCEDNet Board Obligations

The Board is the custodian of the vision of the membership and is responsible for carrying out the mandate of the Network.  In collaboration with the membership and the CED community more broadly, the Board charts the course of action CCEDNet undertakes to achieve that vision. 

The main duties of Board members involve:  

  1. Planning – developing plans to meet the goals and objectives of the membership as described in strategic planning materials.
  2. Policy Making – adopting policies based on options and recommendations prepared by staff
  3. Monitoring – reviewing progress of CCEDNet’s activities
  4. Liaising – acting as a liaison with Members in their region
  5. Participating in Committees – serving on various Board, Standing and member committees, including Finance, Governance, Personnel, Communications, and other temporary working groups  

On occasion, Board members are also requested to act as representatives of CCEDNet at public functions or events, or in dialogues with government departments.

Directors must be members in good standing for the entire duration of their term.  While activities fluctuate, Directors must be prepared to commit a minimum of 1 hour of preparation and 2 hours of participation in at least 10 monthly teleconference meetings over the course of the year.  Officers members are required to be available for an additional 1.5 hours per month.  

New Directors receive a “binder” of information to assist them with their duties, including CCEDNet bylaws, policies and procedures, Board minutes, the last Annual report and audited financial report, the current strategic plan and other relevant documents.  

CCEDNet’s Nominations Committee members would be happy to discuss the role and responsibilities of Board members and can be contacted at the coordinates below:

Michael Norris –
Yvon Poirier –

More information on CCEDNet’s current Board members

For a complete copy of the Code Governing Members of CCEDNet’s Board of Directors or any other questions, contact CCEDNet at 1-877-202-2268 or   

CCEDNet Board Nominations Form – 2025

Please provide a brief outline (no more than 150 words) of your background relevant to your candidacy.
Why would you be a good addition to the Board? (no more than 150 words)
Accepted file types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, Max. file size: 2 MB.
Please attach a photo. Your responses to the two questions above and the photo will be part of election materials sent to voting members and posted on our website. Files must be less than 2 MB. Allowed file types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.
I solemnly affirm that:(Required)
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, Max. file size: 20 MB.
    Please upload your completed Nomination Support Form or 2 email confirmations of support. Files must be less than 20 MB. Allowed file types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, pdf.