In 2016, LITE will award Community Economic Development Grants in the month of June. Grant recipients will be notified in May.
LITE funds initiatives that directly create jobs, or leverage new jobs, and that include skill development for inner city residents who are unemployed or underemployed. Individuals participating in these initiatives face multiple barriers to full employment (for example, at-risk youth, single mothers, ex-offenders, etc).
LITE divides their funding between Purchases (mostly of Christmas hamper goods) from inner-city co-ops and social enterprises (about 50%), and Grants to charitable initiatives (about 50%).
Eligibility Requirements:
In order to receive funding from LITE your organization must be:
- Based in Winnipeg
- A registered charity with a charitable number
LITE’s disbursement criteria ensure that they pursue their mission “to promote community economic development by supporting inner-city initiatives in Winnipeg that build capacity and provide jobs.”
Selection Criteria:
LITE chooses recipients based on the following criteria:
- How well the project fits with LITE’s mission statement and the guiding principles of Community Economic Development (CED)
- How much the project contributes towards directly creating jobs, leveraging new jobs (such as through funding a coordinator position), or funds job-skill development. What LITE doesn’t fund are things like tools, supplies, and other capital.
- How strongly the project creates sustainable and long-term employment.
- How well the project addresses multiple barriers to employment.
- How sustainable the project would be without LITE funding.
Is your organization seeking funding?
Download a Grant Application form (Deadline: March 11, 2016 – Grants)
Download a Project Budget template (for CED Grant Applications)
Download A Purchase Application form (Deadline: October 12, 2015 – Purchases)
If you are already a LITE partner, do you need to report on previous funding?
Download a GRANT REPORTING form to report on funding received in 2015 (Deadline: March 04, 2016 – Grants).
Download a PURCHASE REPORTING form to report on funding received in 2014 (Deadline: September 14, 2015 – Purchases).
Do you have questions about applying or reporting? If so, please contact LITE.
LITE’s Star Blanket Project
Every fall, LITE purchases beautiful star blankets from local aboriginal businesses & co-operatives to donate to Winnipeg charities. The goal of this project is to support local businesses while helping non-profit organizations in their fundraising initiatives.
Download a Star Blanket Application form (Deadline: November 6, 2015)
Download a Star Blanket Reporting form (for Blankets received December 2014, Report due July 20, 2015)