Take Action During the 100in1 Day Festival of Community Engagement

June 3, 2014





These are the four cities that will be transformed by citizen-driven interventions this Saturday, June 7th. And there’s still time to be part of the action!

Have you got a burning idea for how your neighbourhood could be improved? Want to be part of a movement that sees solutions instead of road blocks to community change? Here is a great opportunity to get others involved in your small or big idea or to be part of other innovative projects.

The vision of 100 in 1 Day is not to generate commercial activities or to promote political parties or campaigns but there’s plenty of room to lead by example in setting a vision for alternative economies and policies that put people and planet first. Whether it’s a community gardening project, a recycling/composting pick-up service, a sharing economy initiative, a bike repair workshop, or whatever else comes to mind you’re helping not just to build community but to model a different way of life.

“What’s important is that these interventions are not based on complex ideas and led by career citybuilders or nonprofits; the entire point is to demonstrate that every citizen can make a change, and that collectively, we can change our neighbourhoods and cities,” says Nabeel Shakeel Ahmed.

To share what you’re doing with others across the country and around the world, register here and use  the #100in1Day, #cities4people, and #neweconomies hashtags. 

Click on the cities above to see what initaitives are happening and to submit your idea today!