Canadian Alternative Investment Foundation Offers Capacity Building and Technical Assistance Grants

June 3, 2014

Deadline for submissions is June 9th, 2014

The Canadian Alternative Investment Foundation (CAIF) has announced a call for a second round of granting in 2014 for their Capacity Building/Technical Assistance Grants.

CAIF builds on CAIC’s (Canadian Alternative Investment Cooperative’s) three decades of experience as a social lender. Strengthening the charitable sector takes more than capital, organizations also need expertise and capacity building grants to ensure that capital is used for maximum benefit.

The foundation will provide grants in the $5,000 to $15,000 range in three granting streams:

Stream I: Project Feasibility Study

This stream provides a preliminary level of support meant to help charitable organizations scope out need and do some analysis around it to better understand the issues and potential solutions.

Stream II: Business Plan Development

Once you have completed the feasibility study and decided that the project is viable and that financing is required the next logical step is a business plan. This will allow your organization to move from the theoretical to the practical in how they will meet their objectives and reach their goals. In order to access a Business Plan Development grant you must demonstrate that you have completed a Feasibility study (financed by CAIF or otherwise).

Stream III: Capacity Building

Grants would be made available to assist in the execution of a project. Grants would be directed towards retaining/hiring Project Management expertise and/or Financial Expertise.

The Letter of Inquiry Guidelines and Cover Forms can be found at

For more information, please contact:
Valerie Lemieux, Grants & Communications Manager