Creating Opportunities with Green Jobs: The Story of BUILD and BEEP

February 11, 2013

Building Urban Industries for Local Development (BUILD) and the Brandon Energy Efficiency Program (BEEP) operate as social enterprises in Manitoba. They perform energy efficiency retrofits on low-income homes while providing training and jobs for local people with barriers to employment. 
In a new CCPA-MB report, Kirsten Bernas (CCEDNet’s Policy Advisor) and Blair Hamilton begin to document the quantitative and qualitative value associated with the multiple benefits produced by BUILD and BEEP. With these annual savings, the initial investment in BUILD and BEEP’s retrofit activities is expected to be paid back within four to five years. Retrofits include insulation upgrades and the installation of water savings devices such as low-flush toilets and low-flow showerheads and faucet aerators. In addition to lowering utility bills for low-income families, these retrofits reduce energy consumption and lower greenhouse gas emissions.
The report reveals that the annual savings associated with the energy and water efficiency upgrades performed by BUILD and BEEP in a typical operating year total just over $359,300 and $116,900 respectively. With these annual savings, the initial investment in BUILD and BEEP’s retrofit activities is expected to be paid back within four to five years. Retrofits include insulation upgrades and the installation of water savings devices such as low-flush toilets and low-flow showerheads and faucet aerators. In addition to lowering utility bills for low-income families, these retrofits reduce energy consumption and lower greenhouse gas emissions.
Click here to read the CCPA Fast Facts about this research, or click the buttom below to download the full report