Station 20 West, Saskatoon’s innovative community enterprise centre, is now open.
Residents of Saskatoon’s core neighbourhoods face limited access to healthy food, lower health outcomes than other areas of the city, and higher levels of poverty — 44% of people living in the core neighborhoods live below Statistics Canada’s Low Income Cut-Off (LICO) compared to 17.7 percent for Saskatoon as a whole.
Station 20 West will provide a “one-stop” approach to medical, health, nutrition, employment and housing services, and will provide benefits:
For Saskatoon
- Social and economic revitalization
- Additional business opportunities
- Polluted land converted into usable space
- Showcase for community program integration and for green building
For the core neighbourhoods
- Business development, jobs, training and housing
- Food security—access to healthy food
- Improved nutrition for long term health
- Multi-purpose room for community gatherings
- Outreach health and educational services
And for the partner organizations
- Partners collaborating on service delivery
- Reduced overhead from sharing facilities and equipment
Congratulations to CCEDNet member Quint Development Corporation and all the partner organizations!