CCEDNet’s Research Advisory Committee is collaborating with Professors Jorge Sousa and J.J. McMurtry that seeks to develop better tools to evaluate the impact of the social economy. In this first phase, a survey will seek to contextualize the scope and factors associated with evaluating the impact of the Social Economy.
As the diversity of Canada’s Social Economy continues to be better understood, making a credible case for ongoing support of activities as well as innovation has become an Increasingly important priority. The specific focus of this project is to explore existing measurement tools used within the Social Economy. The project also explores the current ways in which impact is framed by individuals, funders and individual organizations.
To this end the researchers are launching a survey for practitioners, academics, policy makers and “clients” of the Social Economy to understand how each group values and conceptualizes measurement both within their organization and within the Social Economy as a whole. Participation is completely voluntary. Completing this survey should take from 30 to 45 minutes of your time. Be assured that the information you provide will be kept strictly confidential and is anonymous. Results will only be presented in the aggregate so that no individuals can be identified. If you are interested participating please click the following link:
The research project is administered and developed by Jorge Sousa of the University of Alberta and J.J. McMurtry of York University. If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions please contact Jorge at or J.J. at . This research is supported by The Canadian Social Economy Research Partnerships (CESRP) and the Canadian Community Economic Development Network (CCEDNet). Please forward this request to any individual or group that you think would be willing to complete the survey. Thank you in advance for your co-operation.
The plan for this study has been reviewed for its adherence to ethical guidelines and approved by the Faculties of Education, Extension, Augustana and Campus Saint Jean Research Ethics Board (EEASJ REB) at the University of Alberta. For questions regarding participant rights and ethical conduct of research, contact the Chair of the EEASJ REB c/o (780) 492-2614.