The Conference Board of Canada today issued its annual ranking of Canada with respect to a number of “society” indicators. Overall, says the Board, Canada’s “social performance” ranks 9th out of 17 developed countries. However, Canada receives a “D” grade on the poverty rate for working-age people and “C” grades on child poverty, income inequality, gender equity, and assaults – all “troubling for a wealthy country.”
For further information, see the Board’s media release and the Board’s How Canada Performs website.
The Board’s conclusions further reinforce the need for federal, provincial, territorial, municipal and community leadership to combat poverty and inequality. To help secure enduring and stronger leadership from the federal government – optimally rooted in a commitment to uphold the economic and social rights of Canadians – please consider adding your name (and/or your group’s name) to those who/that have already endorsed Dignity for All: The Campaign for a Poverty-free Canada.