CCEDNET Emerging Leaders member to sit on national advisory committee
Project aims to better understand the characteristics and motivating factors of early career employees in the non-profit sector.
Jesse Gair, CCEDNet Emerging Leaders member and the Youth Outreach Coordinator with The Spence Neighbourhood Association and has been selected along with seven other young people from across Canada to sit on one of two parallel national advisory committees for a research project spearheaded by the HR Council for the Voluntary & Non-profit Sector (HR Council).
The HR Council’s project, Tapping into the Talents of Early and Late Career Employees, seeks to improve the non-profit sector’s understanding of the characteristics and motivating factors of both early career and late career employees. The project will assess prospective workers’ awareness of and degree of interest in careers in the sector. The project will also identify perceptions and expectations of the sector as a workplace and the factors that would influence a decision to join and continue to work in the sector. Based on surveys of prospective workers, focus groups and a literature review, the project will suggest strategies that organizations can employ to attract and retain early career and late career workers.
As a member of the Early Career Advisory Committee, Jesse Gair will play a key role in furthering the research and developing recommendations for the HR Council. Project Manager Maureen Kellerman commented “Committee members bring a wealth of experience in the non-profit sector as employees and volunteers, as well as diverse academic backgrounds.”
For more information about this project or the HR Council, please contact:
Lee Rose
Communications Manager
613.244.8332 ext 225
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