
Anna Sigrithur

Fireweed Food Co-op

Food Hub Coordinator

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Anna Sigrithur has worked in the food sector for more than a decade as a chef-entrepreneur, a food service worker, a journalist on food issues, and a participant in local food systems in Manitoba and elsewhere. For more than 8 years, she owned and operated a catering company specializing in biocultural regional food where she grew familiar with the small farming scene in Manitoba. For many years, Anna has supported her friend Audrey Logan on various Indigenous food knowledge sharing initiatives and food security work in Manitoba. As a journalist specializing in food issues, Anna worked at the Nordic Food Lab in Copenhagen in 2015 where she produced a series of podcasts for ‘Nordic Food Lab Radio’ about her time living in a reindeer herding village in Sápmi (Sweden), and most recently produced two seasons of ‘Ox Tales’, a food history podcast for the Oxford Food Symposium in the UK. After serving on the board secretary and chair of the Food Hub Committee, Anna is currently working as the Food Hub coordinator at Fireweed Food Co-op.