Throughout the four days, plenary sessions, learning sessions, and connecting sessions were held. Virtual events did not run concurrently, but sequentially, so that everyone had the opportunity to attend all sessions.

What were the types of sessions being offered?
Everyone was encouraged to attend plenaries which opened and closed the event. Participants heard from keynote speakers and were part of beginning and ending the event with ceremony, and more. Keynote speakers were spotlighted for attendees to view.
Panel Discussion/Peer Learning Session:
This type of Learning Session featured a panel, shared learning opportunities, group discussion, and more engaging ways to learn about the topic. Panelists were spotlighted for attendees to view but people were encouraged to leave their camera on.
Training Session:
This type of Learning Session was led by one or two facilitators or trainers who guided participants through an interactive workshop-style learning experience.
Connecting Session:
These sessions were lightly facilitated by the CCEDNet team to allow participants chances to connect over shared interests with other community builders through small breakout room opportunities via Zoom meeting.
Our vision of a future where there is “enough, for all, forever” really does mean for all. Increasing ease of access for people of every identity and ability and aligning our work with our values and vision of the future is at the heart of transforming our economy, systems, and practices. We acknowledge this is a practice we have to keep working at, so we might not get it all right, but at the Gathering, this is how we worked to support accessibility and align with our values.
- Offering a pay-what-you-can fee so financial access is less of a concern
- Providing lists of spaces with free wifi for individuals without a secure internet connection, upon request and availability subject to COVID restrictions.
- Access to technical equipment (computers, headphones, speakers, etc) for the duration of the conference
- Zoom how-to tutorial hosted by CCEDNet before the conference
- How-to guides for participants and presenters
- American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters during the plenary and learning sessions
- Closed captioning during the plenary and learning session
- Enabling the universal keyboard function on Zoom
- Acknowledgement of the ongoing need for consent in a digital space. Our guiding document for digital consent can be found here.
- In every decision possible, we purchase and contract with local suppliers, focusing on social enterprises and cooperatives creating job opportunities for local people.