Sharing Promising Practices from CreateAction

The Canadian CED Network, the National Association of Friendship Centres, and the Social Research and Demonstration Corporation

Year: 2024

“Sharing Promising Practices from CreateAction” was created for employers, community practitioners, government, funders, and other partners to share insights, promising practices, and lessons learned for engaging, employing, and supporting youth facing barriers to employment.

Implemented between March 2019 and March 2024, CreateAction was a partnership between the Canadian CED Network (CCEDNet), the National Association of Friendship Centres (NAFC), and Social Research and Demonstration Corporation (SRDC), and was funded under Employment and Social Development Canada’s Youth Employment and Skills Strategy. The purpose of CreateAction was to help youth who are not in education, employment, or training (NEET), or who are underemployed, overcome barriers to employment and develop a broad range of skills and knowledge to support their pathways to meaningful work and improve youth wellbeing.

CreateAction partnered with employers working in community economic development, the social economy, and the Friendship Centre Movement to offer paid full-time 6-month work experiences to youth facing barriers to employment using a cohort-based model. Alongside placements, CreateAction offered career-relevant peer learning opportunities and supports for youth, as well as capacity building resources and training for employers. Through ongoing evaluation activities and participant feedback, these opportunities and resources were continuously updated and adapted to meet participant needs and social realities. “Sharing Promising Practices from CreateAction” was created for employers, community practitioners, government, funders, and other partners to share insights, promising practices, and lessons learned for engaging, employing, and supporting youth facing barriers to employment.

Document Overview

This document is organized into six phases that were typical of a CreateAction cohort:

  1. Employer recruitment
  2. Youth recruitment
  3. Employer onboarding
  4. Youth onboarding & early placement
  5. Throughout the placement
  6. End of placement/transitioning out of placement