Community Capital Scan

Center for Sustainable Community Development

Year: 2012

The CCS, Community Capital Scan, is an internet based instrument developed by the Center for Sustainable Community Development of the Simon Fraser University (Vancouver Canada) and Telos, the Brabant Center for Sustainable Development of Tilburg University ( Netherlands). The CCS offers the opportunity to gain an advance insight in a simple way into how projects or programmes are expected to contribute to the sustainable development of a community. This insight is obtained by asking all the relevant stakeholders involved in a project or programme to give their opinion of it by means of a structured questionnaire. The questions relate to the six capitals of sustainable community development: natural capital, physical capital, economic capital, social capital, human capital and cultural capital. To facilitate interpretation, the outcomes are presented graphically. In addition, the scan offers an opportunity to make a wide range of suggestions for improvements to the project. There is also the option to fill in the CCS scan individually.