The BC Institute for Co-operative Studies and the BC Community Economic Development Network present:
Remaking the Economy through People’s Eyes: A Forum Exploring Economic Models for Today and Tomorrow
March 7th, 9:00am – 4:30pm
University of Victoria, MacLaurin Building
Morning and afternoon workshops include:
- Health
- Food Security
- Ecological Economics
- Participatory Economics
- Co-ops
- First Nations
- Social Enterprise
- Community Economic Development
This event is free and open to all members of the public and university community.
Dr. James Tully, Department of Political Science, University of Victoria
The Big Picture: The Politics of An Economy
Dr. Mark Roseland, Centre for Sustainable Community Development, Simon Fraser University
Community Capital: A Sustainable Approach to Community Development
Dr. Helen Haugh, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, UK
There Is Another way: The Social Economy
Mr. Doug Wright, The Co-operators
Another Way of Doing Things: The Co-operative Model