CALL FOR PAPERS: The Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research

April 2, 2019

ANSERJThe Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research / Revue canadienne de re­cherche sur les OSBL et l’économie sociale (ANSERJ) welcomes submissions of scholarly research related to the nonprofit sector and the social economy. They welcome submissions from students, faculty members, administrators, practitioners, researchers, employers, and policymakers. Submissions can be in French or English.

This journal publishes peer-reviewed articles, perspective pieces, and book reviews on a wide range of topics, including:

  • Nonprofits
  • Social Economy
  • Management and Leadership Education
  • Co-operatives and Credit Unions
  • Social Enterprises, Social Entrepreneurship, & Social Innovation
  • Community Economic Development & Community Organizing
  • Volunteering & Citizen Engagement
  • Collaborations, Partnerships & Mergers
  • Communication, Networking & Digital Media
  • Finance, Governance & Management
  •  Public Policy & Government Relations

They welcome research papers, research notes, and book reviews. They also accept proposals for special or supplementary issues. If you have questions about the suitability of your research for the journal contact Dr. Jorge Sousa, Editor-in-Chief at editor at

To learn more about ANSERJ visit their site


The Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research / Revue canadienne de re­cherche sur les OSBL et l’économie sociale (ANSERJ) is an online open access English and French peer-reviewed publication. ANSERJ is dedicated to providing a stimulating and vibrant forum for the open dissemination of contemporary high-quality, peer-reviewed research on nonprofits and the social economy. This journal is intended to contribute to extending and linking the value of nonprofit and social economy research relationships across Canada and throughout the world. ANSERJ is multi-disciplinary, as well as interdisciplinary. High quality theoretically based, empirically grounded research and applied research from different perspectives is welcome to further the frontiers between theory and practice.

        ANSERJ is the official journal of the Association of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research (ANSER) / Association de recherche sur les organismes sans but lucratif et l’économie sociale (ARES). ANSER/ARES members receive pre-publication access to the journal.

Membership details for ANSER/ARES are available from: