Category: Social Economy & Social Enterprise

From left to right: Michael Toye, Yvon Poirier, Ethel Côté, Paul Singer, Michael Lewis. Professor Paul Singer passed away on Monday April 16. He had been at the heart of…

Matthew Dyck, a member of the Canadian CED Network, sat down with our Manitoba Regional Director Sarah Leeson-Klym for a podcast on CED. They were able to sit down and…

Elections provide meaningful opportunities for our sector to engage and capture the attention of political parties and candidates towards promoting social enterprises to increase their impacts. The OSER secretariat is…

We definitely know the tide is turning when industry leaders like Mitchell Cohen, the President of the Daniels Corporation, encourages the private sector to “climb aboard the social procurement train”….

Since co-releasing the Social Enterprise Sector Strategy in partnership with the Government of Nova Scotia in April 2017, the network secretariat, Common Good Solutions, has been collecting and analyzing data…

The so-called ‘sharing’ economy leaves no one indifferent. As it goes with olives or coriander, we either adopt or passionately reject these platforms which now seem, for better or for…

The Department of Employment and Social Development Canada launched its Social Innovation and Social Finance Strategy Steering Group. This is an exciting time for the sector, as the group gears up…

On Tuesday, November 21, 2017, the Government of Manitoba presented the Speech from the Throne for the Third Session of the 41st Manitoba Legislature. This speech sets the stage for…

The federal government’s social innovation and social finance strategy is the biggest policy opportunity for community economic developers in a generation.  Let me tell you why.  The practices described by…

The major international networks of Social and Solidarity Economy and Finance (SSEF) have commited to an Inclusive, Resilient, Low Carbon and Sustainable Local Economic Development (LED). Meeting in Praia, Cabo…

Last August, I had the opportunity to participate in the second gathering for a Global Curriculum of the Social Solidarity Economy hold in Puebla, Mexico. In this short article, I…

CCEDNet members and partners interested in hosting EconoUs2019 are invited to submit an expression of interest. CCEDNet’s national conference is a vital part of a dynamic pan-Canadian movement for inclusive…