Through its Executive Director, CCEDNet is represented on the steering committee of Community Based Research Canada, a new cross-sectoral network of universities and civil society organizations that is pushing for greater community – university – government partnerships in research that will impact real needs in Canadian communities.
For more information about Community Based Research Canada, and to access resources designed to support these efforts visit their website:
A report has been produced that provides the first comprehensive analysis of the state, challenges and opportunities of community university partnerships in contributing to the sustainable development of Canadian communities. Download the paper here.
A related international network, the Global Alliance for Community Engaged Research, has also produced and presented a brief to UNESCO’s World Conference on Higher Education in July. Download the brief here.
A symposium in Ottawa last May brought together practitioners and university representatives to debate the importance of civil society partnerships with universities and colleges, and the need for anti-oppressive research to give power to citizens in influencing policy and learning. To view power point presentations from this symposium, click here.
CCEDNet will continue to participate in advocating for the community voice and agenda in these discussions and welcomes feedback from its members.