Help make CED a priority this federal election with CCEDNet’s Election Guide
CCEDNet’s Questions for Candidates:
The Canadian CED Network has developed a list of questions you can use to find out where candidates in this federal election stand when it comes to building fair, sustainable, and resilient Canadian communities.
CCEDNet’s Letters to the Party Leaders:
The Canadian CED Network, along with its partners from the 2010 National Summit on a People Centre Economy, has sent letters to the five party leaders asking for their positions and commitments to support community-based economic action. Read the letters below:
2010 National Summit Priority Recommendations
These recommendations were developed by over 340 leaders and representatives of the community economic development, cooperative and social economy sectors during the 2010 National Summit on a People‐Centred Economy. This document was sent to the party leaders with the above letters.
Links to other Election Resources:
The Canadian Co-operative Association
The Canadian Co-operative Association provides leadership to promote, develop and unite co-operatives and credit unions for the benefit of people in Canada and around the world. It has developed a full set of co-op sector recommendations to promote during this election, and an easy-to-use tool for emailing your local candidates and party leaders.
Read more
Make Poverty History
The Make Poverty History campaign is a coalition of organizations that have come together for the common cause of making poverty history both at home and abroad. It recently launched its Vote to Make Poverty History non-partisan, third party campaign, including eight ways you can make poverty an election issue.
Read more
Citizens for Public Justice
Throughout the federal election, CPJ, will be sending out weekly editions of its e-newsletter – Ola. They will provide an in-depth analysis on pressing election topics, comprehensive background information, and questions to ask your candidates. Their commentary on issues such as poverty, taxes, the environment, and newcomers will be offered through a ‘public justice lens.’
Dignity for All Campaign
The 2011 Federal Election is in full swing and the Dignity for All Campaign has been listening carefully to hear what, if anything, each of the major national parties is saying about poverty.
Click here to read Dignity for All’s election analysis
Red Tent Campaign
Across the country people are speaking up in support of the right to a safe and affordable place to live. Red Tent is a national campaign to end homelessness. The campaign has developed a
2011 platform that can be used to develop questions for candidates on housing issues in this federal election.
Canadian Housing Renewal Association
All Canadians need a place to call home. CHRA is helping to bring affordable housing and homelessness to the forefront of this federal election.
The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives has launched a 2011 federal election blog – Making it Count – designed to bring you expert analysis and commentary on the issues that will, or should, define the federal election.
Visit Making it Count
Nature Canada
To help ensure that environmental issues are not ignored this election, Nature Canada has posed 7 questions that they are encouraging voters to ask their local candidates.
Child Care Resources
Food Policy Resources
“For the first time in Canadian electoral history, the edible is political.” Each federal party has included electoral platform items that, to varying degrees, highlight food security policy issues. The Globe and Mail has created an interactive tool, which allows you to compare and contrast each party’s position on food policy.
People’s Food Policy Project
The People’s Food Policy (PFP) is a comprehensive plan to address some of the most pressing health, hunger, climate and agricultural-related issues facing the country. The PFP is calling on candidates in all parties to say what they would do to address the problems and put a food policy in place that reflects the realities of the average Canadian.
sign their pledge to voice your support for a national food policy
Non-Profit Sector Resources – Imagine Canada
To help you engage during the election, Imagine Canada has developed a 2011 Election Kit which includes, a number of briefing notes on key issues facing the non-profit sector as well as DOs and DON’Ts for Charities during an election campaign. They have also launched a special election newsfeed service with updates on the campaign.
Trade Justice Network
The Trade Justice Network created a video in which leaders of trade rights in Canada ask federal candidates questions about where they stand on the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement. The video highlights what CETA could mean Canadian workers, families, and communities.
Campaign 2000
Campaign 2000 has sent a letter with 10 key questions on poverty to the leaders of all parties. We will put together a summary of their answers in a grid and release it during the week of April 25. Read the questions and use them as needed when you attend all-candidates meetings.
Social Justice Coalition
The Social Justice Coalition was established through education networks in Manitoba. They have prepared a concise and informative fact sheet, which helps evaluate Canada’s housing, environmental, employment, and child care situations.