Co-op Week 2015, taking place from October 11-17, is an opportunity for co-ops and credit union members across Canada to celebrate that they have collectively helped to build this country – and to recognize their continuing contributions both at home and abroad.
Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada (CMC) has chosen this year’s theme to be “Our Co-op Advantage,” and are asking people to share their views on the benefits of being a co-op with others across the country.
Earlier this year, CMC launched an online store in collaboration with the Flagshop to celebrate our co-op identity and Co-op Week. Co-op branded products such as flags, pins, decals and more are available to order. They have also established a group discount program to help make participation as affordable as possible. You can also download logos and posters for free!
The Saskatchewan Co-operative Association has created the Co-op Week Toolkit: A Practical Guide to Planning Your Co-op Week Celebrations. This comprehensive toolkit is a co-op’s guide to creating a memorable and successful celebration and includes information on what Co-op Week is, why it is celebrated, great ideas for community involvement, building membership, educating youth, advertising your event, having a civic proclamation and much more.
Co-op Week appears to be a uniquely Canadian phenomenon. In the US, October is Co-op Month, and the International Co-operative Alliance and United Nations have an International Day of Co-operatives on the first Saturday in July. Co-op Week is always celebrated during the same week as International Credit Union Day, which is the third Thursday in October of each year.
SOURCE: The Ontario Co-operative Assocation