Check out the new community service learning tools and resources created by CCEDNet’s CDSL project!

June 27, 2008

Check out our new resources!

We have developed tools and resources to generate a national dialogue
amongst community organizations, youth and universities about learning
in community for social outcomes:

  • A discussion paper (coming soon) for CED organizations on community development service learning;
  • A critical reflections paper
    detailing the Storytellers’ Foundation’s experience using service
    learning as a strategy to mobilize citizens around community
  • A practical “CDSL Tester Kit”
    for those CED organizations who may want to embark on a community
    development service learning initiative, including the replication of
    tools used by the Storytellers’ Foundation for service learning
  • A PowerPoint presentation given at the 2008 National CED Conference.

For more information on the CDSL project, please click here.