Copy of Campfire Chat: Building Effective Coalitions and Partnerships

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10:00-11:00 am Pacific
11:00 am -12:00 pm Mountain
12:00-1:00 pm Central
1:00-2:00 pm Eastern
2:00-3:00 pm Atlantic
2:30-3:30 pm Newfoundland

Mainstream media can be a powerful influencer.  An interview or article in a mainstream publication will reach a different audience than social media.  Just as important as reach, however, is clout.  With mainstream media, you can’t self-publish like you can with social media.  It means that someone else – a  journalist – needs to know your work and think it’s worthy of a story! 

Working with mainstream media brings risks, too.  As soon as you issue a media release or give an interview, it’s out of your hands.  Statements can be taken out of context and editors can do what they like with your story.  Building trust is paramount!

Have you had successful experiences with mainstream media in your advocacy work?  What about ones that went wrong?  What did you take away from those experiences? 

This campfire chat will provide you with an opportunity to share your own experience in working with the media in your advocacy campaigns, and learn from others’ stories in an informal peer-to-peer learning environment.  If you’re a novice, no worries, your stories are just as valuable!

Please join us on May 6!

The Strengthening Community Economies Series is designed to build skills, provide support, and strengthen a culture of political action among CCEDNet members. To join CCEDNet or to find out more about our barrier-free membership policy, click here.

mai 6, 2021 de 13:00 ET à 14:00 ET