Help shape Manitoba’s future. Participate in Budget 2013.
The provincial government is asking Manitobans what they would like to see in Budget 2013. We encourage all of our CCEDNet members and partners to participate to ensure Budget 2013 incorporates the priorities of our Network.
It’s easy to do:
The province has created an online questionnaire to help Manitobans identify the things that matter to you and your family. [CLICK HERE] to access the survey, which takes 5-10 minutes to complete.
This is your chance to have a say on issues such as:
- Rental allowance rates for people on EIA
- Affordable and accessible housing
- Poverty reduction
- Child care
- Employment and social enterprise development
You are also invited to submit a letter directly to the Minister of Finance. CCEDNet-MB has drafted a submission for the Minister which outlines all of our budget related policy resolutions. [CLICK HERE] to download our submission. You are encouraged to draw from it when drafting your own submission, outlining the recommendations that are most important to you and your organization. You can share this with the Minister of Finance at .
Attend the pre-budget consultations:
In addition to sending your submission to the Minister of Finance, you can also attend pre-budget consultations. All consultations run from 7 to 9 p.m. unless otherwise stated. The locations are as follows:
- Jan. 28, Flin Flon – City Hall, Council Chambers (1-3pm)
- Jan. 28, Swan River – Westwood Inn, Valley Room, 473 Westwood Rd.
- Jan. 29, North Winnipeg – Valley Gardens Community Club; and
- Jan. 30, Brandon – Keystone Centre, 1175 18 St. (1-3 pm)
More information:
Let us know if you or your organization would like to participate in the pre-budget consultations and we would be happy to provide you with the resources you need to support these efforts. Contact us at 204.943.0547 or email Kirsten Bernas at