It’s Time to Renew Your Membership!

December 18, 2008

The year is coming to a close with a mix of optimism, apprehension, and uncertainty. Optimism for the wind of change that has blown over the United States and elected the first black man and a former community organizer to the White House. Apprehension about the growing global economic downturn and what it will mean for both the communities we serve and our collective ability to respond. And uncertainty as the political landscape in Ottawa changes in unprecedented ways.

The regular failings and limitations of the market economy have often been the catalyst for community innovation demonstrated by our members time and again across the country. Locally-led solutions to economic and social dislocation can buffer communities from the impacts of a likely recession, and protect our most disadvantaged community members. This means that our work building stronger local economies, tackling poverty, and promoting investment in sustainable communities is needed now more than ever. 

Since our founding in 1999, the Canadian CED Network has grown to over 600 members representing thousands of Canadians across the country. Over the last decade, our members and staff have worked on generating resources and support for innovative initiatives in poverty reduction, grassroots action, creating healthy communities and advancing policy improvements. Most important, our Network has enabled people working in CED across Canada to connect with one another, sharing innovations and learning about effective solutions to common problems. 

In addition to serving as a national voice and platform for collective action, The Canadian CED Network continues to offer opportunities for peer learning, collaboration, regional and national networking, resources and a space for members to organize around specific issues. Regional and national member newsletters keep you informed of these and other activities.  Making Waves examines the successes and challenges of our work from a front-line perspective, and our website ( offers new opportunities for on-line information sharing. CCEDNet’s national conference continues to be the foremost opportunity for CED practitioners to engage with one another and address emerging issues, and of course membership provides substantial discounts on conference registration rates.

Your membership is essential to our success as a movement. Membership is based on the calendar year, meaning that it is time for membership renewal.

To renew your membership online, click here>>

or contact Bianca Mathieu at