Born and raised in Treaty 1 territory, Angelina Pelletier is a passionate community advocate and specializes in educating and empowering young people with a focus on systemic discrimination. She is a Systems Navigator and Program Manager at an Indigenous youth-serving organization, Ndinawemaaganag Endaawaad Inc. Her education is rooted in legal administration, human rights and community economic development and she is a trained facilitator in Intergroup Dialogue through the University of Manitoba. Angelina has volunteered her time as a note-taker for students with disabilities at the University of Winnipeg, as youth mentor for newcomer and refugee children at N.E.E.D.S. Centre and sat as Treasurer for the Indigenous Student Council at Red River College. She has also been involved as Director of the Board at Main Street Project, and currently sits on the Board of Directors at Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre. Inc. As a daughter, aunty and mother, family is what grounds Angelina both in her work and identity and is her biggest motivator in executing systemic change. She is the proud mother of two beautiful children, Tayshaun and Aminata and life partner to Abdou.
Angelina Pelletier
Ndinawemaaganag Endaawaad
Systems Navigator and Program Manager