October 20, 2023

CCEDNet Manitoba’s Gathering of Community Builders

CCEDNet Manitoba’s Gathering of Community Builders

The Gathering is a day filled with hope to anchor you to others working to challenge the status quo and build positive alternatives.

The Gathering is a day filled with hope to anchor you to others working to challenge the status quo and build positive alternatives.

Throughout the day, greater collaboration between and among community builders was facilitated, solidified, and propelled toward a collective vision for change.

Through our relationships, connections, and organizing together, our communities can be sites of social and economic transformation. 

Throughout the day, greater collaboration between and among community builders will be facilitated, solidified, and propelled toward a collective vision for change.

Through our relationships, connections, and organizing together, our communities can be sites of social and economic transformation. 

Join in this day to fuel your learning, weave connections, and take collaborative action for communities and local economies that benefit everyone.