Podcast: Community Economic Development with Sarah Leeson-Klym

April 25, 2018

Matthew Dyck, a member of the Canadian CED Network, sat down with our Manitoba Regional Director Sarah Leeson-Klym for a podcast on CED. They were able to sit down and have a conversation about how community economic development can impact cities, how leaders emerge, and how they can speak about developing and new framework for economic development. She also shares her personal story of how she got involved in the movement. Sarah Leeson-Klym Matthew Dyck

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Strategy Made Simple: Keep it Simple

Podcast by Matthew Dyck

Matthew Dyck

Matthew Dyck is based in Winnipeg where he helps small organizations produce ethical marketing. His academic training is in communications and the social sciences, where he looked at messaging, how it is presented in different contexts, and how that can impact the economic and political spheres.

He has worked with CBC Manitoba on the local Radio One shows, and has been working with clients in the nonprofit and social enterprise fields.

He posts a blog and a bi-weekly podcast called Strategy Made Simple where you can learn more about how he does communications work.