Learning & Capacity Building

Community Data Program

Enabling communities across Canada to measure and track local well-being

The Community Data Program (CDP) is a membership-based community development initiative open to any Canadian public, non-profit or community sector organization with a local service delivery or public policy mandate.

The program facilitates access to the evidence needed to tell our stories and inform effective and responsive policy and program design and implementation. The CDP makes data accessible and useful for all members with training and capacity building resources.

Through its vibrant network, the CDP facilitates and supports dialogue and the sharing of best practices in the use of community data. The CDP has emerged as a unique Canada-wide platform for generating information, convening and collaborating. 

Created in the mid-1990s by the Canadian Council on Social Development (CCSD) to track poverty at the local level, the CDP now offers data products, analytical tools, and services that are unique in Canada and exclusive to CDP members. The CDP was transitioned from CCSD to the Canadian Community Economic Development Network (CCEDNet) in September 2019.

Find out more at  communitydata.ca