Established in 2002, Vibrant Communities is a pan-Canadian initiative that explores promising local solutions to reduce poverty. Fifteen communities from across Canada have formed a learning partnership through which they…
Consultations with key informants and information collected during the literature review indicated that youth and young adults face a number of challenges associated with living in a rural location. Examples…
This report details findings from a ground-breaking survey of Social Enterprises across the United Kingdom. The survey involved telephone interviews with a total of 8,401 organisations, of which 1,480 were…
CEDTAP supported early stage and mature community economic development organizations with technical assistance, learning exchanges and technology enhancement. The CEDTAP website provides information about its services and supports for both…
A fair amount of CED activity is happening in Alberta; however, it is often not identified as CED. Additionally, the role FCSS (Family & Community Support Services) plays in CED…
This report presents lessons learned from the Corporate Involvement (CI) Initiative of the Ford Foundation, an effort that sought to demonstrate that businesses could use core operating resources and competencies…
This is a guide for funders on the valuable role of collaborative process in community development initiatives. It draws from the lessons learned by The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation…
Ma Mawi, Canada’s first and largest major urban native child and family support program, is a great example of a community taking charge of their own challenges and opportunities and…
How do comprehensive, multisectoral initiatives contribute to poverty reduction? The six Trail Builders in Vibrant Communities are experimenting with a variety of approaches. This series documents their experiences. For each…
In a grey industrial area of Winnipeg, there is an island of green. Herbs, flowers and vegetables flourish in a hydroponic greenhouse, tended by the young employees of Growing Prospects….
Communities across Canada are grappling with many of the same food security issues that the Toronto Food Policy Council seeks to address. Quite naturally, urban hunger is a priority issue…
Hillcrest Village Business Improvement Area members and the planners at Deepwater have seen the excitement and positive change that happen when artistic and creative projects are used as a starting…