‘Learning by Doing: Community-led Change in Aotearoa NZ’ draws on three years of experience from around the country and provides tools, resources, stories and learnings to help support and grow community-led development thinking and action. It presents latest thinking, learning, examples and results from community-led activity right across Aotearoa.
It’s a ‘must have’ handbook for people and organisations wanting to contribute to successful community-led development outcomes!
Learning by Doing is a follow up to Inspiring Communities 2010 publication ‘What we are Learning about Community-led Development’.
1. Introduction
- 1.1 About this book
- 1.1.1 Building new CLD understandings from multiple learning pathways
- 1.2 What is community-led development?
- 1.3 Noticing the difference that CLD makes
- 1.4 The current context for community-led development in Aotearoa New Zealand
- 1.5 About Inspiring Communities
- 1.5.1 Inspiring Communities’ role in learning and practice
2. Working together in place
- 2.1 Why focus on place?
- 2.2 Understanding dimensions of change
- 2.3 What helps people work together in place?
- 2.3.1 Incorporate core CLD practice principles into all that happens
- 2.3.2 Skilled facilitation is essential
- 2.3.3 Group work skills can build understanding
- 2.3.4 Intentionally ask powerful questions
- 2.3.5 Focus on meaningful engagement to build active relationships
- 2.3.6 Documentation is valuable
- 2.4 Maximising involvement in CLD
- 2.4.1 How can local and central government both enable and support CLD?
- 2.4.2 Resourcing CLD efforts
- 2.4.3 How can business be part of CLD?
- 2.4.4 Whãnau, hapú, iwi, Mãori and CLD
- 2.5 Leading together in place – new collaborative models emerging
- 2.5.1 Constellation governance
- 2.5.2 Starfish and Spider
- 2.5.3 Collective Impact
3. Community building
- 3.1 What is community resilience and why build it?
- 3.1.1 Tips for building community resilience
- 3.2 Strengthening neighbourhood connections
- 3.2.1 Many ways to engage residents
- 3.3 Role of community hubs in neighbourhood development
- 3.3.1 Role of schools in neighbourhood development
- 3.4 The role of neighbourhood brokers
- 3.5 Building resident-led participation and leadership
- 3.6 What’s the impact of a national celebration of neighbourliness?
4. Leading in and leaderful communities
- 4.1 The concept of leaderful communities is important
- 4.2 Leadership is multilayered and contextual
- 4.2.1 Leading out front still matters too!
- 4.3 Everyone’s a leader – the rise of active citizenship
- 4.4 Bringing out the best in others – what does leaderful practice take?
- 4.4.1 Relationships are at the heart of CLD
- 4.4.2 The magic enabled by ‘middle-space’ leader
- 4.5 Paying attention to the ‘I’ and the ‘we’ within the collective leadership journey
5. Creating and sustaining momentum
- 5.1 Frameworks for understanding the continuing journey ahead
- 5.2 Keep checking to make sure CLD is at the fore
- 5.3 Funder approaches that create and sustain momentum
- 5.4 Weaving community-led development into local approaches and building on local strengths
- 5.4.1 Communities have local history and experience to draw from
- 5.4.2 Incorporate CLD approaches into organisational practice as opportunities arise
- 5.4.3 Weaving CLD approaches into strategic initiatives
- 5.5 Creating collective thinking and ownership
- 5.6 Collective asset mapping – a useful approach to build momentum
- 5.7 Keeping everyone connected and bringing others on the journey
- 5.8 The Fitness Landscape
- 5.9 Supporting and growing CLD practice and thinking in your community
6. Noticing the difference community-led development makes
- 6.1 About the CLC and Learning Together
- 6.1.1 The challenges of embedding a CLD learning culture
- 6.1.2 Enabling local CLD reflection
- 6.2 How working in CLD ways makes a difference
- 6.2.1 Motivation and intent – what matters here and why are we doing this together?
- 6.2.2 Being outcomes focused – understanding contribution
- 6.2.3 Vision and action – what are we trying to achieve and which comes first?
- 6.2.4 The role of leaders and joiners – who and how
- 6.2.5 Coordination, convening, organising and working together
- 6.2.6 Capacity and capability – accessing and growing skills.
- 6.2.7 Scale – me and we, and beyond
- 6.2.8 Influencing practice and outcomes
- 6.2.9 Recognising the difference