The Contribution of RDÉE Canada to Canadian Economic Growth

The national Francophone economic development network

Author +
Ronald Bisson et Associé.e.s inc.

Year: 2008

For more than ten years, RDÉE Canada (Réseau de développement économique
et d’employabilité) has collaborated with provincial and territorial organizations
(12 RDÉE) to enhance the vitality and support the development of Francophone
minority communities. Our network is active in four priority areas: Tourism,
Rural Development, Employability and Youth Entrepreneurship, and Knowledgebased Economy.

Indeed, RDÉE is active in nine provinces and three territories where a designated
organization sponsors a local RDÉE. Each of these organizations acts as an
independent work unit. Some of them are particularly active in the areas of development and employability, while others are more active in the economic area.

As a community economic development (CED) leader in Francophone and Acadian communities in a minority situation, RDÉE Canada national office also offers to its provincial and territorial members a vast range of support and intervention services to support their initiatives. Stemming from RDÉE Canada’s operational strategies, these support and intervention initiatives with CED practitioners are central to the implementation of its community-based economic development strategy. RDÉE Canada’s strategic activities are: professional excellence, financial diversification, communication, conferencing, research, and partnership development.