Urge our government to create an economic stimulus package that supports community-driven solutions and protects communities!
At this time, we ask our membership to urge the federal government to create an economic stimulus package that maximizes community benefit. There are thousands of Canadian CED and social economy organizations already working effectively to create economic opportunities in their local contexts. With some strategic, significant, and timely investment they could scale up their impact, with real and measurable outcomes on jobs, enterprises, community assets, and local economic stimulation.
As the Canadian CED Network continues to engage all levels of government, you can get involved by: writing or emailing your MP, participating in the online consulations, attending an in-person consultation event, telling friends and colleagues, responding to surveys and polls, or writing a letter to your local paper.
CCEDNet has sent a letter to the federal government outlining immediate investment options to maximize economic stimulus and community benefit. This letter is being mailed to the recipients indicated, and emailed to Canadian MPs. Members of our board and committees will also be attending the in-person consultation meetings listed below. We will continue to do our very best to update members on the outcomes of our mobilization efforts.
How you can get involved:
The Finance Minister is organizing pre-budget hearings by invitation only in
5 cities in the next few weeks. This is in addition to the on-line consultations happening.
Here are the locations of the meetings:
Saint John, New Brunswick
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Montréal, Quebec
Thornhill, Ontario
Victoria, British Columbia
To request an invite, email Minister Flaherty at and/or call (613) 996-7861.
Or try through a Conservative MP in your region.