March 10, 2009
The Canadian CED Network’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) is being held on June 4 at our National CED Conference in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Nominations are currently being sought for three positions on CCEDNet’s Board of Directors. Anyone with energy and a vision for the CED movement in Canada is encouraged to submit a candidacy. The deadline to receive nominations is April 22, 2009.
Board Vacancies
CCEDNet’s Board of Directors is made up of twelve (12) representatives of our membership who serve three (3) year rotating terms. The twelve representatives are comprised of four directors selected by the membership of CCEDNet’s four Standing Committees with the other eight directors being elected at-large by the general membership. Elections are conducted online and the results are announced at the AGM. Member Associates are not eligible to sit on the Board.
Board members whose terms are expiring are eligible to be re-elected. However, their election is not automatic. They must be elected by the members through CCEDNet’s official election process.
Candidates must be nominated by two (2) other CCEDNet members, preferably from their region. If you don’t know any other members well enough to ask them to nominate you, contact Bianca Mathieu at the number indicated below. She will inform the Nominations Committee of your situation so they can help you find someone.
Members interested in letting their name stand for CCEDNet’s Board are asked to communicate with us by fax or email by April 22 to submit their candidacy, including the names of the two other CCEDNet members who are nominating them. Candidates are required to provide a short biography (including a photo) to the CCEDNet office for translation and printing to be included in election materials.
If you wish to nominate another CCEDNet member for a position, please ensure that the other member is willing to let their name stand and has given their approval to be nominated before communicating with us. Once again, the deadline for nominations is April 22, 2009 and nominations should be emailed to , faxed to (250) 386-9984 or mailed to:
Att: Bianca Mathieu
211-620 View Street
Victoria, BC V8W 1J6
Please note: information regarding online voting will be forwarded by email to all members in good standing. In order to be considered a member in good standing, all fees must be paid in full by April 30, 2009. If you are unsure about your membership status, please contact Bianca Mathieu (or call 1-877-202-2268 ext.111.
For a printable version of this page, please click below:
2009 Call for Nominations (PDF)