CCEDNet and Members Submit Recommendations for Labour Market Transfer Agreements

August 29, 2016

Canada's ParliamentThe Canadian CED Network’s Policy Council submitted a response to the federal government’s invitation for recommendations for Labour Market Transfer Agreements (LMTA). The submission focused our recommendations on how the government can implement the measures it has already committed to undertaking in ways that will maximize their impact and value for communities. 

Read our submission to the Forum of Labour Market Ministers

If you also submitted a brief we’d love to include it below…
Please send your LMTA recommendations to Matthew Thompson at mthompson at

Our Recommendations for Labour Market Transfer Agreements:

    1. ​​Include wrap around services in the scope of activities that are eligible for funding to help under-represented groups integrate into the labour market
    2. Remove funding targets (i.e. the mandated percentage of transfer dollars to be allocated to the Canada Job Grant (CJG) program each year), so that provinces and territories are able to allocate transfer dollars to a wider range of programs, including self-employment programs
    3. Ensure flexibility in program length to help under-represented groups integrate the labour market
    4. Reinstate the original policy objectives of the former LMAs and ensure the flexibility required so that funding can be used to train and hire equity seeking groups in infrastructure projects
    5. Extend funding to address the service gap that exists when jobseekers with barriers to employment transition out of training and into employment
    1. Build on the success of work-integration social enterprises
    2. Expand the use of Social Procurement and Community Benefit Agreements
    3. Broaden the definition of successful outcomes
    4. Support broader community engagement and local level decision-making
    1. Emphasize evaluation and communication of results in funded programs

Recommendations from CCEDNet Members

Written Submission from CEDEC


  1. Develop workshops, tools, and training to allow vulnerable groups to become aware of their potential and develop it.
  2. Establish awareness workshops to sensitize employers to the benefits of hiring vulnerable groups.
  3. Promote labour market opportunities in Quebec to English speakers in a targeted manner.
  4. Match English speakers with concrete labour market opportunities.
  5. Promote opportunities for entrepreneurship and self-employment.
  6. Support the creation of small and medium enterprises through entrepreneurship training initiatives.
  7. Strengthen the alignment between forecasted labour market demand in Quebec and forecasted supply from Quebec’s English-speaking labour force (provincially, regionally, locally, by industry and by occupation).
  8. Develop a strategic labour force development approach that centralizes analytics, strategy development.
  9. Coordinate and decentralize labour market information dissemination and service provision.
  10. Develop an electronic Labour Market Forecaster for Bilingual Employment in Quebec and Employment Connector Tables.
  11. Foster a more supportive culture for English speakers by lowering language proficiency regulations and sensitizing employers to English-speaking candidates.

Written Submission from Momentum


  1. Amend the Canada Job Fund Agreements and dismantle the Canada Job Grant program
    1. ​Increase flexibility so that provinces and territories can use funding to design and support programs that work best given their unique needs and context.
    2. Remove funding targets so that provinces and territories are able to allocate transfer dollars to a wider range of programs, including self-employment programs.
    3. Include targets for a CJG dollars accessed by unemployed individuals to prevent the Grant from being used solely as an upskilling fund.
    4. Include targets for women, given the gender imbalance in the selection of trainees reported in Alberta.
    5. Shift intention and design from employer-driven to employer-involved training.
    6. Revisit the purpose of the Canada Job Fund Agreements so that the original policy objectives of the Labour Market Agreements are restored.
  2. Expand Employment Insurance (EI) eligibility
  3. Increase funding through the Labour Market Transfer Agreements for skills training opportunities as well as career and employment services to support all Canadians.
  4. Adjust the funding allocation formula that directs federal transfers to account for changes in unemployment rates.
  5. The role of the service provider, in addition to the roles of government and employers, needs recognition in LMTAs.
  6. A pool of funding could be earmarked to support local, multi-sectoral partnerships, and would serve to advance the goals of the labour market agreements.
  7. Set aside funds for innovation in the Labour Market Transfer Agreements, and provide the programs with support to try out new approaches without being tied too early to traditional outcomes of success.
  8. Find ways for the government to support and encourage service providers to innovate and remain responsive to changing labour market demand
  9. LMTAs should include funds for shared measurement and communications projects by community-based service providers.