International Student Workshop on the Social Economy:
Innovation & Sustainability in a Changing World: Exploring Social Economy Alternatives
In Association with The Canadi an Association for Studies in Co-operation (CASC) and The
Association for Non-Profit and Social Economy Research (ANSER)
Congress of the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences 2009
May 26, 2009
Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Important Dates:
- 15/02/09 Deadline for Submission of abstracts for papers
- 15/03/09 Notification of Acceptance of Papers and Presentations
- 26/05/09 Student Workshop
- 27-29/05/09 Meeting of the Scholarly Associations for CASC and ANSER
The Workshop:
The world is undergoing rapid and extensive changes associated with globalization, conflicting ideas about the roles and responsibilities of the State and re-conceptualizations of our notions of community. The impacts of climate change, intensified consumption and increasing demands for non-renewable resources have made exploration of alternative models of governance, business management and community organization all the more critical. Many existing alternatives are not feasible for communities that are below average in income, health, sanitation and safety. Moreover the recent economic crisis in the United States has both intensified and magnified the necessity of applying new and innovative knowledge to realize effective and sustainable economies and management policies and practices.
The Canadian Social Economy Research Partnerships (CSERP) and the Canadian Social Economy Hub (CSEHub) will host a one day international student workshop on the Social Economy entitled Innovation & Sustainability in a Changing World: Exploring Social Economy Alternatives to bring together students interested in exploring Social Economy alternatives from across the globe and to highlight the role of the Social Economy in building and strengthening communities through innovation and sustainability.
Through presentations, roundtable dialogue and small group discussions this Workshop will explore current and emerging debates, ideas, viewpoints and challenges related to the Social Economy, civil society, development, nonprofits, cooperatives, community enterprise and alternative business models in Canadian, international, cross-cultural and comparative contexts across a range of disciplines.
We invite interested post-secondary students to submit proposals for individual papers and panels on the following thematic streams:
- Situating the Social Economy in the Context of Globalization
- Understanding the Social Economy: Cross Cultural Comparisons
- Understanding the Social Economy: Cross Disciplinary Perspectives
- Linking Theory to Policy and Practice: (Re)Conceptualizing Knowledge and Innovation
- Evaluating the Impacts of the Social Economy
Proposal Deadline: February 15, 2009
Types of Proposals:
Two types of proposals will be considered: (1) paper and (2) panel presentations.
1. Paper Proposals:
Paper proposals normally present research findings with some consideration or reflection on theory, but they can also be “think pieces,” discussions of research-in-progress, including theses or dissertations, or reflections on practice. The abstract for a paper should be no longer than one page (12-point font) and should include, in the following order:
- A working title;
- The workshop theme(s) being addressed;
- A summary of the central arguments of the paper, how the issues addressed fit within a wider literature or disciplines (as appropriate), and its relevance to research and/or practice in the areas of focus for the Workshop;
- Brief biographical information on the author(s); and
- Indicate whether your presentation will be made in English or French.
2. Panel Proposals:
Panels are collections of three or four papers on a related theme, area of research or project. Ideally these papers build upon each other, thereby adding coherence to the panel. Panel organizers are responsible for preparing an abstract of the panel as a whole. For panels comprising 3 presenters, each individual will be expected to speak for no longer than 10-12 minutes; for panels of 4 presenters, each participant will be expected to speak for no longer than 8-10 minutes. To allow time for questions and discussion, it is the duty of the panel chair to ensure the time limit is respected. The abstract for a panel should be no longer than three pages (12-point font) and should include, in the following order:
- A working title;
- The conference theme being addressed;
- A half to one page overview of the focus of the panel, the coherence of the individual papers around this focus, and the relevance of the panel to research and/or practice in the areas related to the Workshop;
- A half page summary of each paper to be included in the panel;
- Brief biographical information on each of the authors; and
- Indicate whether you intend to present in English and/or French.
* If you are a member of a panel you are not required to submit a separate proposal.
Language of Submissions:
The Workshop will be bilingual (English and French). Presentations and Panel submission and presentations can be made in either English or French. Please indicate in which language you intend to present in your submission.
Submissions of Proposals:
Proposals in either official language should be submitted to Neil Nunn at or no later than February 15, 2009.
Notification of receipt of the proposal will be provided. All proposals will be subject to peer review by the Organizing Committee and notification of acceptance will be provided by March 15, 2009.
Information on Congress and the Associations:
Information on the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences can be found at
For information on CASC visit: For information on ANSER visit: We encourage students to try and attend one or both of the Association’s annual conferences at Congress.
Information on the conferences can be found by visiting both of the websites.
About CSERP, CSEHub and BCICS:
The Canadian Social Economy Research Partnership (CSERP) is a five year Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council grant to undertake research into the Social Economy and promote the Social Economy tradition within Canada and as a subject of academic enquiry within universities. It is comprised of six regional research centres and a coordinating national centre. The Canadian Social Economy Hub (CSEHub) acts as a facilitator promoting collaboration among six regional research centres across Canada (Atlantic, Québec, Southern Ontario, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Northern Ontario, Northern, and British Columbia and Alberta), and creating opportunities and exchanges with international networks. CSEHub reaches out to practitioners, to researchers and to civil society, through the regional research centres and their community partners. The British Columbia Institute for Cooperative Studies (BCICS) is based at the University of Victoria and was founded in January 2000.
BCICS is a catalyst for research, learning, and teaching about co-operative thought and practice. BCICS collaborates locally, nationally, and internationally with other post-secondary institutions, the cooperative sector, governments, individuals, and communities interested in co-operative development. The purpose of the Institute is to understand how the co-operative model functions within different contexts, and to assess the contribution co-ops make to empowering people and communities in meeting their economic and social needs and controlling forces that impact their lives.
About ANSER:
A Canadian association for those who have an interest in research that pertains broadly to nonprofit organizations and the social economy. ANSER is working to:
- build a collaborative community of scholars and researchers; and
- develop a Canadian body of knowledge that encompasses such fields as community economic development, philanthropy, nonprofit management, volunteering, social and environmental accounting, government/voluntary sector relationships, social movements, citizen engagement, and civil society.
ANSER’s interests range from the theoretical to the applied. We have come together to promote the development and application of our knowledge for the benefit of Canadians and others in collaboration with those working in the nonprofit sector and the social economy. ANSER’s vision for membership embraces a variety of scholarly fields including economics, history, law, business and management, education, psychology, political science, public administration and sociology. ANSER is working to provide opportunities for members to share their knowledge and expertise, including an annual conference normally held with the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. ANSER’s vision is to work collaboratively with other associations with complementary interests and goals.
About CASC:
The Canadian Association for Studies in Co-operation (CASC) is a volunteer run, non-profit
organization made up of researchers interested in co-operatives and practitioners who work in the cooperative sector. The focus of the association is local and international study of all aspects of cooperation and co-operative organizations. The membership of the association includes leading scholars, researchers and practitioners within the co-op movement from Canada, Europe, and Australia. We strongly encourage the training of up and coming scholars, and the new generation of practitioners. Our efforts have resulted in a significant increase in the participation of junior scholars and researchers in cooperative studies. The association meets annually along with the Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities where national and international scholars have presented their research and case studies of co-operative corporations. CASC maintains this website and a listserv that publishes a newsletter informing members of on-going research and events in the co-op calendar.
Inquiries concerning the objectives of the conference, format or content of the papers and other topics related to the Workshop should be addressed to Neil Nunn, Workshop Coordinator at:
Complete Workshop Organizing Committee:
Dr. Ian MacPherson – Co-Director, Canadian Social Economy Hub
Annie McKitrick -Manager, Canadian Social Economy Hub
Janel Smith – Workshop Coordinator (English), Coordinator Student Steering Committee
Mélanie Hamel – Workshop Coordinator (French), Coordinator Student Steering Committee
Lena Soots – Member of Student Steering Committee
Suzanne Cook – Member of Student Steering Committee
Rose Cole – Member of Student Steering Committee