Category: Co-operatives

The community economic development (CED) principles of solidarity, cooperativism, and mutual aid have been practiced by many Black communities around the world for thousands of years. And so Black History…

News release July 18, 2022  Toronto, Ontario              Employment and Social Development Canada Social purpose organizations (SPOs), such as social enterprises, non-profits, charities and co‑operatives, are…

In Manitoba, instead of teaching CED 101, we often lead groups through a facilitated session called Ideal Communities.* Before we begin to think about CED actions, we create a collective…

Conseil de la coopération de l’Ontario (CCO) is releasing an important new contribution to the social finance ecosystem, in partnership with CCEDNet. They have surveyed the status and prospects of…

COVID -19 threatens to accelerate the retirement of business owners across rural Atlantic Canada. This is a real challenge. Co-operatives and Social Enterprise offer a solution. Recent reports from the…

Starting any business is challenging, and co-ops are no different. As veteran co-op developer Russ Christianson observes: “Like any good business, a co-op requires an excellent business plan, sufficient start-up…

Until now, there has never been an economic impact study on the innovative Nova Scotia Community Economic Development Investment Fund (CEDIF) tax credit program to assess its impact in creating…

Originally published in iPolitics, April 7, 2021. Long before the global pandemic reached Canada, the care of our most vulnerable citizens had challenged many governments, communities, and families. “Care work”…

During the week of February 8-12, CCEDNet had the great pleasure of visiting – virtually of course – nine examples of innovative community leadership across Canada.  These visits were part…

Updated February 24, 2021 The Canadian CED Network and the National Association of Friendship Centres are thrilled to announce the first cohort of CreateAction placements! If your application wasn’t accepted this…

The Co-operators’ Pathways to Employability Initiative was established in 2020 as a response to the economic shutdowns of COVID-19 affecting youth across Canada employed in low-skilled sectors. As part of…

CCEDNet member Roger Peters is an engineer and policy analyst with over 40 years experience in co-operatives, clean energy, and local economic development. He is a founding member of the…