Category: Co-operatives

Saskatoon co-operator extraordinaire, Harold Chapman, has been named to the Order of Canada! Harold is being recognized for his seven+ decades of co-operative leadership, which has impacted people in Saskatchewan,…

The Ontario Co-operative Association are still accepting applications for the critically acclaimed Fundamentals of Co-operative Organizations (FCO) certificate program, which begins January 12 and ends March 25, 2017. The program…

You can argue that the economy has largely bounced back from the state it was in seven years ago, but it’s no secret that traditional community economic development models have…

In theory, the recession has been over since 2009. But that theory means little for most workers in this country, who have only seen only 5 percent of economic growth…

Up to twenty-five Francophone and bilingual collective businesses in Ontario will be eligible to receive a grant to improve their services thanks to a partnership between the Conseil de la…

The Synergia Institute is excited to be launching its first face-to-face training program this September in Tuscany! For change makers everywhere this program offers an opportunity to explore real pathways…

If you work within the co-operative or the community economic development sectors and would like a better understanding of the co-operative movement as a whole, the many types of co-operatives…

On June 8, Alexandra Mendès, Member of Parliament for Brossard – Saint-Lambert, tabled Bill C-286: An act respecting the establishment of a framework to promote the development of co-operatives in Canada and…

Finance Minister Roger Melanson Applications are being accepted for community economic development corporations and co-operative associations that want to participate in the Small Business Investor Tax Credit program. “As we…

Ontario Co-operative Association executive director Erin Morgan, centre, poses for a photo with the Ontario Trillium Foundation’s David Murray, left, and local MPP Liz Sandals, right, at a funding announcement…

The Financial and Consumer Services Commission of New Brunswick (FCNB) is pleased to present free workshops on the new rules related to Community Economic Development Corporations (CEDC) in collaboration with…

The Co-operators have announced eight donations totalling $120,000 to organizations across the country that are working to enhance the self-reliance and employability of marginalized youth and people with mental health…