In November, 39 CCEDNet – Manitoba members came together to plan the Network’s policy actions for 2014. CCEDNet’s annual Policy Summit provides an opportunity for members to discuss, debate, learn, and vote on the Network’s policy-related activities for the coming year. This year, eleven new resolutions were brought forward, all of which were adopted. Based on our members’ direction, CCEDNet – Manitoba will pursue a policy mandate that includes a range specific ideas in support of building stronger, fairer, and more sustainable communities and economies.
[download our 2014 policy resolution package]
Advancing these policies:
This package now becomes a tool for all of us to use in advancing our collective policy agenda with policy makers. We look forward to the opportunity to collaborate with you in meeting our shared objectives. Please do not hesitate to contact the CCEDNet-MB office if you would like to be directly involved in implementing this policy agenda.
Teaching these Issues:
These resolutions also become an educational resource and many of you have indicated an interest in having CCEDNet Manitoba staff present these policies to the staff and board members of your organization. Please contact Brendan Reimer directly to schedule a policy presentation.
Accessing the Package:
We have mailed this package to all members, and it is always available on our website here where you can view each resolutions individually or download the complete 2014 policy resolution package as a pdf.
[ visit the CCEDNet-MB Policy page for more info ]