Co-operate Now 2017′ Business Bootcamp in British Columbia Now Accepting Applications

March 6, 2017

Co-operate Now 2017: The co-op business bootcampThe BC Co-operative Association (BCCA) is excited to announce that they are now accepting applications for this year’s Cooperate Now program.  Cooperate Now will be held May 4 – 7, 2017 in Vancouver, BC.

What is Co-operate Now?

Co-operate Now is a 3-day intensive co-operative business education program. Co-operate Now provides information on what makes the co-operative model a unique and powerful form of social enterprise, and how to build a competitive and socially impactful local business.

Through Co-operate Now’s interactive workshops, students connect with leaders from the vibrant co-operative sector in BC, including the BC Co-op Association, Vancity Credit Union, Mountain Equipment Co-op, the Co-operators Insurance Agencies, CCEC Credit Union, the BC Libraries Co-op, Modo, and many others. These leaders take students through the micro and macro levels of building a co-operative enterprise, and provide the information needed to consider co-operation as a business strategy. Students also build valuable connections to BC co-ops to support their own start-up co-op.


Applications are now open and will be accepted until the class is full (deadline April 28).  Class size is limited to ensure an environment of engagement and dialogue.  

Apply to Cooperate Now