Fall Strengthening Non-Profits Workshop Series in Manitoba

July 8, 2015

If Spring is for Cleaning, Fall is for Strengthening

CCEDNet’s Strengthening Non-Profits Workshops

Learn skills to make your work more effective. Meet local practitioners with expertise who can support your work. Network with others doing important work.

Build and Grow Your Social Enterprise

September 9, 2015   This highly effective, informative and interactive session provides an overview of the ‘what and how’ of social enterprise. Learn about the steps of development for social enterprise and hear lots of examples of successful Canadian social enterprises. All participants will receive a copy of Enterprising Non-Profit’s comprehensive Canadian Guide to Social Enterprise. Organizations must attend this workshop to be eligible for an enp-mb Social Enterprise Development Grant.

Learn more and register for Build and Grow Your Social Enterprise

Writing an Effective Grant Proposal

September 24, 2015   Writing an effective grant proposal is very much like creating an effective brochure to sell your product or services, or writing a good business proposal. You need to write persuasively and to present your case in a clearly written, logical way. A good grant proposal presents your organization or your individual work in the best possible light, and convinces the potential funder that your goals are aligned with their own mission statement and vision. It makes them want to support your work by awarding you a grant.

Learn more and register for Writing an Effective Grant Proposal

Making Inclusion Real: Implementing Cultural Competency in your Organization

October 8, 2015   Do you want to build your organization’s capacity to welcome and honour people?  Do you want to work from an anti-oppressive or cultural competency framework, but are unsure how?  This workshop will examine the importance of creating organizational structures that support cultural competency and review tools that put policy into practice. Participants will explore what it means to build and review policy with an anti-oppression lens and review day to day practice that can enhance your organization’s cultural competence to build increasingly respectful and inclusive environments.

Learn more and register for Making Inclusion Real

Participatory Management: Increasing Staff Involvement in Decision-Making

November 5, 2015   The workshop will provide the opportunity to discuss why and how increased involvement of staff in decision making can be effective.  The role of organizational policies and management practices will be reviewed in terms of creating a work culture that feels safe for participation.  We will also explore some of the skills and attitudes that are important for both groups and individuals, and the added skills required of managers, for a  participative work culture to be sustained and garner the benefits attributed to greater staff involvement in decision-making.

Learn more and register for Participatory Management

For more information:

Contact Sarah: sleesonklym at ccednet-rcdec.ca | 204.943.0547

CCEDNet – Manitoba’s Strengthening Non-Profits workshops are presented through our enp-Manitoba program and our Spark service with the financial support of the United Way of Winnipeg.
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