Futurpreneur Canada offre jusqu’au 15000 $ pour des organismes entrepreneuriaux sans but lucratif

juillet 14, 2014

Calling all Social Entrepreneurs:

Are you launching a business or enterprising non-profit organization that focuses on creating social impact? Futurpreneur Canada is looking for entrepreneurs who are using business principles and innovative thinking to create social value.

How we can help get you moving:

Futurpreneur Canada is proud to support social entrepreneurs through our Start-up Program. This program provides you with access to innovative workshops and webinars, a hand-matched mentor and up to $45,000 in financing.

For more information and to review all eligibility requirements and financing details please click here.

– See more at: http://futurpreneur.ca/en/microsites/socent/#sthash.yFRfCO3X.dpuf

Calling all Social Entrepreneurs:

Are you launching a business or enterprising non-profit organization that focuses on creating social impact? Futurpreneur Canada is looking for entrepreneurs who are using business principles and innovative thinking to create social value.

How we can help get you moving:

Futurpreneur Canada is proud to support social entrepreneurs through our Start-up Program. This program provides you with access to innovative workshops and webinars, a hand-matched mentor and up to $45,000 in financing.

For more information and to review all eligibility requirements and financing details please click here.

– See more at: http://futurpreneur.ca/en/microsites/socent/#sthash.yFRfCO3X.dpufCalling all Social Entrepreneurs:

Are you launching a business or enterprising non-profit organization that focuses on creating social impact? Futurpreneur Canada is looking for entrepreneurs who are using business principles and innovative thinking to create social value.

How we can help get you moving:

Futurpreneur Canada is proud to support social entrepreneurs through our Start-up Program. This program provides you with access to innovative workshops and webinars, a hand-matched mentor and up to $45,000 in financing.

For more information and to review all eligibility requirements and financing details please click here.
– See more at: http://futurpreneur.ca/en/microsites/socent/#sthash.yFRfCO3X.dpuf

Through the generosity of the Trico Charitable Foundation, we are offering up to $15,000 in financing plus additional support and profiling opportunities for up to 5 enterprising non-profit organizations in 2014.

This offer applies to both new non-profit organizations and to existing non-profit organizations that are launching a new social enterprise.

To find out more about this offer, please contact Jackie Hsi at Futurpreneur Canada: npo@futurpreneur.ca / 1-866-646-2922 x. 3005

– See more at: http://futurpreneur.ca/en/microsites/socent/#sthash.yFRfCO3X.dpuf

Grâce à la générosité de la Trico Charitable Foundation, jusqu’à cinq organismes entrepreneuriaux sans but lucratif pourraient recevoir un montant de financement pouvant atteindre 15 000 $ et de l’appui pour faciliter le repérage de possibilités, en 2014.

Cette offre s’adresse aux organismes sans but lucratif nouveaux ou existants qui lancent une nouvelle entreprise à vocation sociale.

Pour en savoir plus sur cette offre, veuillez communiquer avec Jackie Hsi, à Futurpreneur Canada : osbl@futurpreneur.ca / 1-866-646-2922, poste 3005

En savoir plus sur le financement de Futurpreneur Canada pour les entrepreneurs sociaux, visiter https://www.futurpreneur.ca/fr/get-started/

Matthew Thompson

Matthew travaille avec le RCDÉC depuis plus de cinq ans dans divers domaines tels que la recherche et la mobilisation des connaissances, l’organisation d’événements et la coordination du programme pancanadien d’expériences de travail CréeAction. Il a également coécrit Assembling Understandings: Findings from the Canadian Social Economy Research Partnerships, 2005-2011, un résumé thématique de près de 400 produits de recherche sur l’économie sociale au Canada.

Matthew Thompson