ISISE will make the case for social enterprise development as an effective model for immigrant settlement and integration.
This initiative grew out of CCEDNet’s Immigrant and Refugee Community Action Network (ICAN) which works to create opportunities for new immigrants and refugees to participate in the leadership of the CED and Co-op movements in Canada. ICAN is a national network of newcomer CED practitioners and their supporters. CCEDNet’s 2005 discussion paper, Creating Opportunities – Optimizing Possibilities describes how the co-operative sector can assist immigrants and refugees in Canada and how immigrant and refugee communities can use the co-op model to revitalize Canadian communities. The ISISE initiative broadens this approach by including other forms of social enterprise.
To learn more click here>>
Online Surveys
An initial phase of ISISE involves conducting a survey of organizations that support immigrant Social Enterprise development and another survey of social enterprises. If your organization would like to participate in one of these surveys please follow the appropriate link below. Each survey should take about 10 – 20 minutes to complete.
Survey for Organizations that Support Immigrant SE Development
For more information please contact:
Nicole Rosenow-Redhead, MA
Canadian CED Network
ISISE Project Researcher
1-877-202-2268, ext. 104