Untangling Our Roots

The Role of Community in Systems Change

December 7 to 9


Thanks to all the participants, speakers, artists, and the group of volunteers advisors on the Gathering Design Team for making the Gathering 2021 happen



Before the Gathering 2021, the roots of our systems have been unearthed for all to see. The COVID-19 pandemic exposed inequities in our society like never before. Movements for urgent climate justice and for the lives of Indigenous, Black, People of Colour, and other racialized communities led calls for systemic change. 

You – community builders working to strengthen the social, economic, and environmental health of the places you live – stepped up to meet the needs of our communities. You supported, fed, housed, employed, helped heal, and protected communities, and so much more. 

We know you are seeking to change and upend systems toward a more equitable, inclusive, and sustainable future. This deserves our collective attention and thought.

That’s why Gathering 2021 brought together community builders to examine the roots of our society but also to understand, sharpen, and strengthen our collective role in systems change. 

2021 Speakers

daniel waycik

Daniel Waycik

Persons Community Solutions Ltd
Operations Director, Interim Coordinator Community Safety Host Initiative

Quinton Delorme

Quinton Delorme

Nigannii Wabiski Mikanak Ogichidaa

Darrien Morton

Darrien Morton

University of Manitoba
Research Associate

Mary Burton

Mary Burton

Fearless R2W
Executive Director

Kirsten Earl McCorrister

Kirsten Earl McCorrister

KEM Consulting
Strategic Initiatives Consultant

repeating logo pattern

Kate Sjoberg


Meghan Brodmann-Bishop

Meghan Brodmann-Bishop

Common Good Solutions

Robert Nichols

Robert Nichols

Common Good Solutions

Andrée Forest

Andrée Forest

Manitoba Research Alliance/Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
Project Coordinator

Shauna MacKinnon

Manitoba Research Alliance
Associate Professor and Chair, Dept of Urban and Inner-City Studies, U of W; MRA Principal Investigator

Jesse Hajer

Jesse Hajer

Member of the University of Manitoba Faculty Association

Allen Mankewich

Manitoba League of Persons with Disabilities
Communications and Outreach Coordinator

Kalen Taylor

Kalen Taylor

Purpose Construction
Executive Director

Nigel R. Mohammed

Nigel R. Mohammed

Assiniboine Credit Union
Director, Community Financial Centre

kerri twigg

Kerri Twigg

Career Stories
Career Contentment Coach

Marianne Cerilli

Marianne Cerilli

Marianne Cerilli – Change Agent
Social Innovator and Consultant

Lara Hunter

Lara Hunter

Woman Healing for Change

Chantel Henderson

Chantel Henderson

Green Action Centre
Indigenous Programs Outreach Coordinator

Amy Smith

Amy Smith

Green Action Centre
Green Action Centre

Cesar Flores

Cesar Flores

Green Action Centre
Community Pathfinder

Jackie Hogue

Jackie Hogue

J.Hogue & Associates
Trainer, Facilitator

Curt Hull

Curt Hull

Climate Change Connection
Project Manager

Dr. Durdana Islam

Dr. Durdana Islam

Climate Action Team
Program Manager

Kahla Pretty

Kahla Pretty

Winnipeg Poverty Reduction Council
Collective Impact Facilitator

Aron Skworchinski

Aron Skworchinski

City of Winnipeg
Special Projects and Initiatives- Poverty Reduction

Noelle DePape

Noelle DePape

City of Winnipeg, Community Development Division
Community Development Lead

Anastasia Fyk

Anastasia Fyk

National Farmers Union
Farmer and Board Member

Ron Missyabit

Ron Missyabit

First Nations in Treaty 2 Territory
Circle Keeper-Care and Protection of The Natural World

Charlotte Lewthwaite

Charlotte Lewthwaite

CleanStart BC
Chief Operating Officer

tori williamson

Tori Williamson

Buy Social Canada
Director of Education and Communications

Jonathan Meikle

Jonathan Meikle

Strength in the Circle
Founder and Executive Team Lead

Branavan Tharmarajah

Branavan Tharmarajah

The Growcer
Lead Project Consultant

Adrianne Breyfogle

Immigration Partnership Winnipeg
IOTK Project Coordinator

Jane Bisbee

Social Enterprise Fund
Executive Director

Kai Cheng Thom

Writer, performer, cultural worker & speaker

Béatrice Alain

Chantier de l’économie sociale
Directrice générale

Elder Mae Louise Campbell

Clan Mothers Healing Village and Knowledge Centre
Elder and Co-Founder

Michael Barkman

Michael Barkman

Canadian CED Network
Manitoba Network Manager

Gathering 2021 – Untangling our Roots: The Role of Community in Systems Change was an incredible opportunity to collaborate with community builders to connect, learn, and take action.  Delivered virtually from December 7 to 9, the Gathering 2021 focused on the systems we live, work, and gather and their intersections with our work as community builders.

The learning and connecting opportunities of the 19th edition of the Gathering got at the root of who we are and what we do as community builders, including questions like:

  • What is the role of community-based organizations (CBOs) and Community Economic Development (CED) in supporting communities, building fairer local economies, and addressing inequities?
  • What is our role in addressing climate change?
  • How do we challenge racism in our work and systems to build an inclusive community?
  • How do we collaborate better while calling on those in power to address these urgent crises?

Check out the program, speakers, and information about the Gathering 2021 Conference – three action packed days of keynote sessions, interactive workshops, and networking breakout sessions.

Partners & Funders