Over 600 community members, CED practitioners, government officials and everyone in between passed through the halls at Churchill High School last week for the 2012 Manitoba CD/CED Gathering. The Gathering has grown steadily each year, and 2012 was no exception – our 10th event shattered previous attendence records!

The Gathering celebrations began on Thursday evening, where Raj Patel and Brendan Reimer engaged in town hall-style dialogue that focussed on the inequaliities and innovative solutions to our global food system. Highlights from the main event on Friday included Premier Greg Selinger’s welcomed news that the province will be supporting Enterprising Non-Profits and a new employment pilot project that will help expand BUILD’s operations (
read more). Next, Raj Patel dazzled the crowd with a charismatic and thought-provoking keynote address, which pointed out the flaws in our global economic system and innovative ways communities around the world are boosting equality and creating economic opportunities.
We would like to thank all attendees, volunteers, and workshop hosts. A special thank you to our dedicated Gathering Planning Committee, and a huge congratulations to Sarah Leeson-Klym, our Gathering Coordinator. See you next year!