Promote Community Infrastructure and Social Procurement in Government of Canada Infrastructure Consultations

August 3, 2016

have your sayYour community. It’s the place you call home. It’s where you raise your kids, where you work and where you play. 

At the same time, our local infrastructure can affect the nation as a whole – whether related to congestion in our cities, reducing the impacts of climate change, or building a more inclusive society.

You know your community best and have great ideas on ways to improve your community’s infrastructure.

The Government of Canada is investing $120 billion over the next 10 years into an infrastructure plan that aims to address the gaps in infrastructure across the country. Phase 1 of their plan is investing to repair and modernize public infrastructure. 

How You Can Participate

From now until September 16 you are invited to share your thoughts on four areas: Communities, Green Infrastructure, Public Transit and Social Infrastructure.

Join the Community Infrastructure and Social Procurement Conversation

The Canadian CED Network encourages submissions supporting community-led social innovation, such as social enterprises, co-operatives, social finance and community economic development initiatives. 

Let us know if you make a submission and we’ll promote it here! Email us at communications at

communitiesgreenpublic transitsocial

what we've heard

community led events

Source: Infrastructure Canada