Register Now: SFU Certificate Program for CED Professionals (BC/Yukon)

February 19, 2008

SFU Certificate Program for Community Economic Development Professionals

Register now for upcoming courses of the SFU Community Economic
Development Certificate (CED) Program for Professionals! Call
1-877-202-2268 or email .

The program provides opportunities for thoughtful exploration and
practical learning in the critical elements of CED values and
principles, enterprise development, financing, planning and research,
community participation and sustainability. The range of courses
provides an excellent grounding for practitioners in a variety of
workplaces and settings.

“This type of professional development in CED can really help in
putting together workable ideas that achieve financial, social &
environmental results.” Dave Mowat, former CEO, Vancity


April 18 – 19 2008: CED Approaches to Affordable Housing
This course examines housing stock from the point of view of how it
influences a community’s environmental, social and economic health as
well as pragmatic tools to develop affordable housing. Nicole Chaland
spearheaded an innovative model of co-operative housing in Victoria BC.


March 7 – 8 2008: Co-operative Models for CED
This course explores opportunities for establishing co-operatives to
create and sustain community resources for employment, financing,
natural resource management, marketing, and services (housing,
transportation, media, health, home and child care). Topics include
co-op types and principles, legal requirements of co-op incorporation,
choosing a model that fits the purpose, and supporting the
developmental process. (website)

May 9 – 10 2008: CED Approaches to Affordable Housing
This course examines housing stock from the point of view of how it
influences a community’s environmental, social and economic health and
also provides pragmatic tools for the development of affordable
housing. Nicole Chaland & Pascale Lavoie-Scott are founding board
members of a co-operatively-owned development company for affordable
housing in Victoria BC. (website)

For more information, click here.