The gap between the rich and the poor in Canada has widened dramatically over the last two decades and the depth and duration of poverty has increased. Children, women, lone…
The federal government’s knowledge role within place‐based approaches has been identified by federal civil servants as an opportunity to improve the co‐ordination of federal departments and the compatibility of inter‐jurisdictional…
As a community, Prince George is different than Brampton, which is different than St. John’s. Place-based approaches are bottom-up interventions that acknowledge the impact local realities can have on program…
Collaborative place-based approaches (PBAs) have emerged as a means of addressing “wickedly” complex issues: those that have many interacting causes and are seen to require multiple actors to develop a…
What do the Homelessness Partnerships Strategy, the Forest Communities Program and the Aboriginal Leadership Strategy have in common? They are all federal initiatives that address stubbornly persistent issues by engaging…
Recently there has been growing awareness of the importance of cities, large and small, as strategic spaces in the age of globalization. They are the places where today’s major public…
The Pan-Canadian Community Development Learning Network was a two and a half year project of the Canadian Community Economic Development Network (CCEDNet) that promoted learning about and examined how integrated,…
There is growing awareness in Canada of the importance of “place” in poverty reduction. Research shows that place matters in the quality of life for all citizens and the prosperity…
This case study was prepared for the International Forum on the Social and Solidarity Economy, held in Montréal, October 17-20, 2011. It reviews existing literature on the co-construction of public…
For a detailed list of return on investment (ROI), social return on investment (SROI), cost-benefit calculations and evaluation resources for CED efforts, social enterprises and related initiatives, see the SROI…
This collection of thirteen case studies provides short anecdotes about 13 geographically diverse examples of Community Economic Development in Canada. Download the PDF
Canada is home to a vibrant “local food movement” with initiatives in every province. Increasingly, Canadian consumers are buying and eating local food for many reasons – freshness, taste, health,…