If you are just getting started, we have included information about developing a Program mission, operating principles and policies; if you are further along in managing public art, we have…
Totnes and District is feeling the effects of the economic downturn, along with the rest of the country. Climate change impacts and rising energy costs are further signs that the…
Women’s Venture, a self-employment training program, decreases the likelihood participants will need government assistance, subsidized health care and other support services in the future while increasing the likelihood they will…
This guide will help any organization strengthen itself by enhancing connections with the community’s assets, strengthen the community by investing in the community’s assets, and strengthen current and future community-based…
An Organizational Capacity Building Toolbox from the Chicago Foundation for Women The SHOW-21 program was designed to expand on the work of the Asset-Based Community Development Institute of Northwestern University’s…
This book presents a simple, inexpensive method for discovering untapped local resources that can be shared among community members. It shows how to design and operate a capacity-listing-and-referral service utilizing…
This guide is written primarily for community-building practitioners from the point of view of an experienced evaluator, but it should also be useful for funders and others who would like…
It presents a model for exploring how individual make choices about the purchase of products and services, and about how much they spend on specific kinds of items.
This workbook outlines a plan for understanding what businesses exist in a community, what kinds of resources they possess, and to what extent they are, or could be, mobilized toward…
This workbook outlines the steps for collecting, organizing and using information about a neighborhood’s citizen associations. It also shows how to identify the community-building activities in which the associations are…
This workbook offers a template for discovering what kinds of skills, abilities and experiences individuals possess that could be translated into economic activity and increased economic stability for a local…
This workbook tells the story of Savannah’s experience in developing a citizen-centered city government that allowed it to work productively with local residents to improve troubled neighborhoods and build a…